BRS News
Cattle Breeds Brochures for Download

Germany has a broad spectrum of efficient cattle breeds. All forms of cattle farming (specialised dairy cattle farming, dual-purpose cattle farming as well as intensive and extensive beef cattle farming) can be successfully operated with German breeding cattle.
The German Livestock Association (BRS) has produced information brochures for the most important German cattle breeds:
- German Holstein
- German Simmental/Fleckvieh
- German Brown Swiss
- German Red Cattle/Angler
- Beef Cattle from Germany
The cattle breed brochures explain the particularities of each breed (breeding goals, genetic quality, breeding program, breeding value estimation for performance and health). Due to the great international demand for German breeding cattle, bovine semen and embryos, the cattle breed brochures are available in several language versions.

After an intensive work with all National Associations to redesign the breed positioning, the European Brown Swiss Federation is proud to unveil the new Brown Swiss communication through this new logo. As a result of a common desire to become stronger together, for the benefit of the breed and its breeders throughout Europe, this logo is standing for a unique message of the breed. Because from north to south and from east to west, we all breed Brown Swiss with the same passion and same economic and environmental goals.
Bovine Embryo Transfer Course: Register now!
From May 11-14, 2020, Minitube offers a comprehensive course in Bovine Embryo Transfer at the IFN Schönow (close to Berlin, Germany). Register now!
The course blends theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, instructed by well-known ET experts. The following contents await you:
- Superovulation of donors
- Embryo collection, evaluation and freezing
- Embryo Transfer processes
For the detailed course program and all organizational information, please visit the Minitube website:
German Dairy Show 2019 (day 2): bubbles and champagne shower for Alessja
The second day (27 June 2019) of the German Dairy Show was all about the red and black Holstein cows. In alternation, they populated the show ring, so that the 2,000 interested spectators got their money's worth. The new Supreme Champion Loh TJ Alessja was celebrated frenetically with soap bubbles and champagne shower. But one after the other.
German Dairy Show 2019 (day 1): People, Cows, Emotions
Clothes make people - the Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (German Livestock Association) has adopted this saying and has completely reissued its national show of cattle breeds native to Germany. Remained are the date, the cow-enthusiastic spectators and the main actors - the cows.
German Dairy Show 2019
At 26 th and 27th June 2019 the German Dairy Show will take place in Oldenburg for the first time.People, Cows, Emotionsrepresents the new concept of the former German Holstein Show.
BRS press conference: RZ Made in Germany presented

Many dairy farmers are familiar with the abbreviation RZ from publications on breeding value estimation. It indicates the relative breeding value
for various traits, such as longevity, milk yield, somatic cell count and many other important trait composites. RZ also stands for correct Breeding
or Breeding Made in Germany". Germany is a leader in terms of data quality and breeding value estimation procedures and can therefore show itself to be self-confident. In addition, from 2nd April, Holstein breeders in Germany will also be able to use breeding values for animal health for the first time. The new genomic health breeding values are a great step forward for Holstein breeding.
German Dairy Show 2019: secure exhibition space now

First come, first serve. This is also the case at the
German Dairy Show, which will take place on 26th / 27th June 2019 in Oldenburg. In addition to the show of the best, the event also offers the opportunity to network, to present products and to inform about news in the industry. For this purpose, the organisers are now offering coveted areas for a company exhibition.
The registration form has just gone online. Registrations are now possible. The organiser reserves the right to make a final commitment.
Judges for the German Dairy Show 2019 have been appointed