
Cattle Breeds Brochures for Download

Broschüren Export

Germany has a broad spectrum of efficient cattle breeds. All forms of cattle farming (specialised dairy cattle farming, dual-purpose cattle farming as well as intensive and extensive beef cattle farming) can be successfully operated with German breeding cattle.

The German Livestock Association (BRS) has produced information brochures for the most important German cattle breeds:

  • German Holstein
  • German Simmental/Fleckvieh
  • German Brown Swiss
  • German Red Cattle/Angler
  • Beef Cattle from Germany

The cattle breed brochures explain the particularities of each breed (breeding goals, genetic quality, breeding program, breeding value estimation for performance and health). Due to the great international demand for German breeding cattle, bovine semen and embryos, the cattle breed brochures are available in several language versions.


mit Unterstützung der
Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank

Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (BRS)
Adenauerallee 174, 53113 Bonn